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Roses are red

Violets are blue

This poem is lacking

But we’re hosting #221BeMine for you!


Love is in the air, and on February 14th, we’ll be hosting our annual celebration of Holmesian affection on our Twitter account @BakerStBabes!

Whether you love or hate Valentine’s Day, we’re here for you. In past years, we’ve celebrated the attachments (or lack thereof) between friends, lovers, siblings, clients, archenemies, and everything in between. Tongue-in-cheek, serious, macabre, and silly, this event always brings out the creativity of Sherlockians everywhere.

Use hashtag #221BeMine to participate. Poetry, quotes, art, memes — it’s all fair game. (FYI, we will keep our account SFW).

We’ll be on Twitter through the day, reading and retweeting as much as we can, but follow the tag to see the full spectrum of fun & hilarity.

There’s no need to spend Valentine’s Day alone when you can spend it with Sherlockian friends from around the world, celebrating the characters and stories we love.

Won’t you #221BeMine?



Amy Thomas is a book reviewer, freelance essayist, and author of The Detective and The Woman mystery novel series featuring Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler, published by MX Publishing. She holds a degree in professional communication and is an avid knitter, geek, and grammar nerd. Amy blogs about Sherlock Holmes at and can be reached for professional enquiries at Connect with her on Twitter @Pickwick12.

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