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Auction! Signed Jeremy Brett photograph with flier and Granada Sherlock Holmes stills

img219Every year during our Daintiest Charity Ball, we have an online auction going for those who cannot attend the actual event. This year we have something very special, especially for Granada fans, generously donated by Bending the Willow author David Stuart Davies and his wife, Kathryn.
Presenting a delightful collection for any Sherlock Holmes fan featuring Jeremy Brett. These items are being auctioned for The Baker Street Babes Daintiest Bee Under Your Bonnet Charity Ball in New York City for Baker Street Irregulars Weekend. 100% of the profits from this auction will go to The Wounded Warrior Project

This auction is for the full lot which is detailed below.

1) Signed photograph of Jeremy Brett 
The signature dates from early May 1984, just after the April broadcast of the first episode, A Scandal in Bohemia. It’s black & white, signed in blue ballpoint pen, and 98mm x 153mm.

2) 1 x A5 flier from The Secret of Sherlock Holmes at Wyndham’s Theatre, London.

3) Four late publicity shots from the Granada TV series, each with original Granada TV stamps or publicity labels on the back:

1 x colour: JB in top hat, Granada TV stamp on back
1 x b/w: JB & Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies, The Master Blackmailer, Granada TV label on back
1 x b/w: JB & EH, The Last Vampyre, Granada TV label on back
1 x b/w: JB & EH outside 221B, Granada TV label on back

More photographs on eBay (at, where you can bid for the lot!

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