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Daintiest Charity Ball Auction Catalogue



The DaintiestBallCatalogue!

You can download the catalogue by clicking that link or right clicking and choosing, Save Link As. Contained in the catalogue is what will be available for bidding, encompassing many of the lots we’ve amassed thanks to the profound generosity of fellow Sherlockians.  More items will be available, but these are the ones we’ve been able to docket due to their current physical presence before our very eyes.
Please feel extremely free to forward this correspondence to friends and to fellow collectors; we are near to selling out of tickets, but because we’ve moved to larger venue, your comrades are currently still able to obtain Ball tickets at this link:

We are excited to see you dance to the electric cello, snack on tasty comestibles, and bid on these items!  If you would like to offer a reserve bid on an item you feel is significant, please email


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