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Episode 89: Introducing the Knights of Thorpe

What adaptation of the canon do the Baker Street Babes consider the greatest Sherlockian film of all time?  Which movie weaves the best villain and a long-lost member of the Holmes family into a single immaculate tapestry known as “Thorpe”?  Is it true that each and every film would be substantially improved with the addition of mechanized mini-T-rexes?  And which actor to play Sherlock Holmes provides both the smallest stature and the biggest presence of any to date, despite doing so with both hands wedged firmly behind his back?


Lyndsay and Maria answer these questions and far more in a stunning new interview with Lyndsay’s fiance Nicholas Anderson, the founder of the shatteringly unique new society (it is NOT a scion, we learn) The Knights of Thorpe.  Discover its origins, how to become a Thorpe yourself, ways to revere the Sacred Film, and rejuvenate your love of Sherlockiana in the most reverential—and perhaps unexpected—way possible.


Welcome to Episode #89, Live & Local from the 2023 BSI Weekend in NYC: The Grand High Thorpe!

The Bylaws of The Knights of Thorpe

1. The KoT shall be open to all regardless of gender expression or sexuality.


2. Membership shall be in perpetuity, unless it is decided that a member has been engaged in harassment, assault, or other unseemly behavior as decided by a majority of the Grand/Great/Spiffy Thorpes.


3. All members shall be invested with the name of Thorpe.


4. The Knights shall further the cause of finding the joy in the Sherlockian canon and expanded canon.


5. Toasts to Thorpe shall be often, vigorous, and encouraged.


6. A KoT shall not be allowed to specify which Thorpe they are toasting.


7. Toasts shall also be encouraged regarding unsung heroes of the canon, ie: bees, Mrs Hudson’s tea set, unnamed dock workers, etc.


8. Meetings shall be.


9. Unless meetings don’t happen.


10. Membership shall be decided based on uniqueness of the application, and arbitrated by the Grand High Thorpe.


11. The Grand High Thorpe shall be the longest serving member of the KoT, unless they don’t want to, then it shall fall to whoever receives nomination from the Great and Spiffy High THORPES.


12. Grand/Great/Spiffy High Thorpes can be removed from office if unable or unwilling to perform their duties as decided by unanimous vote of the other two.


13. Grand High Thorpe may also retire; they will still be members but will surrender seniority in matters of election to office of Grand High Thorpe.


14. Anyone who had involvement in the Sacred Film shall be considered members, especially the revered Ben Syder, Gareth David-Lloyd, and of course Dominic Keating.


15. The Nemesis shall be referred to by his true name, Robert.


16. Articles may be amended or added by majority vote of G/G/S Thorpe.



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