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A Big SherlockeDCC Thank You

SherlockeDCC was just a month ago – I really can’t believe it. It seemed like now would be a good time to just close the book on the success of the event, share the love and give everyone an update.

For starters, thank you to everyone who made SherlockeDCC possible. As a way of showing just how thankful we really are, Curly took to the streets and made an absolute fool of herself in Central Park by screaming out her love (and our love) for Sherlock Holmes. The video just has to be seen:

For our Indiegogo supporters, THANK YOU! Your support was overwhelming. Hopefully some of you have already received and are loving your perks. For those that have not received them, we promise they are on the way.

We also have to say thank you to our sponsors:

To Intel for being our official event sponsor and providing amazing prizes to our lovely guests.

To 221B Con for being an ongoing supporter of The Baker Street Babes and just a generally awesome bunch.

To Graphic Lab Tees for being one of our online sponsors.

To Melanie Fletcher and Random Realities for the awesome swag bag goodies and online sponsorship.

To Adagio for the amazing tea blends.

To for the great Sherlock Holmes themed goodies for our photo booth.

To Mystery Loves Company Booksellers for your support and awesome collection of books.

To Her Universe for the incredible products for our giveaways.

To Write Brothers for their software freebies.

To all our volunteers who gave the up their time and strength to man the doors, the raffle, the gift bags, the food. I am overwhelmed by your awesomeness.

To all the artists for their amazing contributions. Your work was just incredible:

  1. mystradedoodles
  2. sketchlock
  3. inchells
  4. kafers
  5. ilovemyjawn
  6. Riley Stark
  7. nlmda
  8. geothebio
  9. radiotook
  10. maskedfangirl
  11. sashkash
  12. detective lyd
  13. areyoutryingtodeduceme

And of course to Hartswood Films, for literally inspiring us to do everything we’ve done (plus that super sexy script thing).

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