A New Home
We have a new website! Thanks to the amazing Chris at 801Red we are new and improved! Everything is shiny and organized and so gosh darn pretty! Exclamation marks!!
For a bit of a tour, you can now find all our podcasts under the Podcast header, but there’s also a drop down where you can just listen to our Specials and located the Transcripts of certain episodes.
Articles will get you everything non-podcasty and non-reviewy on our site, but you can narrow things down to our Femme Friday collection, community projects, and our giveaways (hopefully we’ll have a new one soon!).
Likewise, our reviews have been broken down and you can either see them all by clicking Reviews, or pick from books, film, television, games, etc from the drop down menu.
We host a lot of events, and our biggest ones throughout the years can be viewed and read about on our Events page. Just click a specific event to read more about it, look at photos from it, and see what press covered it!
Social media counts, reviews, and what media we’ve been featured in can be found on the Media page, and you can find out how to contact us by, you guessed it, clicking the Contact page.
Last, but certainly not least, each of the Baker Street Babes has a profile that you can read by clicking on Meet The Babes and choosing individual profiles.
Don’t forget, you can leave us voicemails for the podcast by using the sidebar where it says ‘Send Voicemail’ and of course subscribe to website updates and to the podcast.
Huzzah! We hope you enjoy the new site and we look forward to bringing you lots of new articles, reviews, podcasts, giveaways, and events in the future! This is also probably a great time to mention that we are actively looking for sponsors to our podcast; whether you’re a brand, individual, or sentient Sherlock Holmes novel, we’d love to partner with you to bring more content to our listeners and readers! If interested, please get in touch with Curly at Curly(at)bakerstreetbabes(dot)com and we’ll send you our media kit!

Kristina Manente is the founder of The Baker Street Babes, as well as a podcaster, reporter, event coordinator, and PR guru for the Babes. Beyond Holmes, she’s a gamer, a traveler, a freelance writer, an audio engineer, and a Van Winkle style napper. She currently works professionally in podcasting and radio.
You can view her writing and audio work at kristinamanente.me and read her latest publications at www.clippings.me/kmanente. Feel free to stalk her on twitter at @CurlyFourEyes.
Congratulations on your new website! I love how it’s organized and it is a wonderful improvement over the old.
I love the artwork. Thank you so much for including it! It’s charming and (dare I say it) cuddly. ^_^ You’ve captured the modern crew of Cumberbatch, Miller, and DOwney, Jr. You’ve included Rathbone to represent the classic generation. Might we see Jeremy Brett included in the header cast soon?
It’s minor quibble, though, and certainly it won’t keep me away from your site. Congratulations on all counts!