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Name: Sora

Hails From: Amurica

About Me: A Mexican-American Californian who has zero shame about loving avocado on toast (to hell with owning a house). I spend most of my time in London and the rest of it partaking ridiculous adventures that take me all around the world from the frigid steppes of Mongolia to the magical kingdom of Shanghai Disneyland. I am a lover of the arts in whatever form it comes in, though I am very fond of music and the digital arts. 

Along with my fellow babe Kristina, I travel with The Nerdventurists, a trio of nerdy girls who adventure around the world with a nerdy twist. I avidly attend Comic Cons from all over, including the infamous SDCC and occasionally host panels for The Baker Street Babes at various Sherlock themed Cons.

For an online stream of consciousness follow me on Twitter @MDSora 

How I First Encountered Sherlock Holmes:  Like many, my first memorable encounter with Holmes was through The Great Mouse Detective, though I often feel like I was born already knowing Sherlock Holmes. Eventually I read the novels and short stories and when I found them, I’d watch the various adaptations on television. In the last several years my adoration was further heightened with the Guy Ritchie Holmes and of course BBC’s Sherlock.

Favourite Character:  Dr. John H. Watson (particularly Martin (BAMF) Freeman’s version cos damn son)

Favourite Story: The Empty House and The Speckled Band

Favourite Adaptation: BBC Sherlock and Granada Series

One Random Fact: Both my nephews are named after fictional characters from my own original stories. My family has no idea, their mothers asked me for name ideas and I gave them.

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