
Name: Taylor
Hails From: Charleston, SC
About Me: Born, raised, and educated in Charleston, SC it’s a miracle Taylor can read at all but luckily she can and she chose to read Sherlock Holmes, which leads us to today. Having recently graduated from the College of Charleston with a degree in Communication, Taylor is currently playing the ‘Game of Loans’, working as a board member for 221b Con, an annual Sherlock Holmes convention in Atlanta, GA (www.221bcon.com), and continuing to work on her life long goal of becoming British.
How I First Encountered Sherlock Holmes: While I first encountered Holmes in the form of the film Murder by Decree in my childhood, I was particularly fond of the pea scene, I did not really get into Sherlock Holmes until the recent release of the Robert Downey Jr films. It was an interest in these films that lead me to watch the new BBC series Sherlock and consume the whole of canon within a couple of months.
Favourite Character: John Watson
Favourite Story: I refuse to choose between The Speckled Band and The Red Headed League
Favourite Adaptation: BBC Sherlock
One Random Fact: I enjoy working fan conferences. Along with establishing a Sherlock Holmes one, I work for the British Media Track at Dragon*Con (www.brittrack.org) and previously worked as the merchandise manager for the Harry Potter music festival Wrockstock from its second year in 2008 to its final year in 2011.