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Feature On The Daily Dot!


The Daily Dot is one of those really amazing sites that cover all sorts of fabulous things. So when we got an email saying they wanted to do a piece on us, there may have been flailing. Well, that flail-inducing piece is now up and cover how the Baker Street Babes were formed and what we stand for and want to do in the future! Here’s a snippet of the piece and you can read it all [HERE].


Sherlock Holmes first appeared in print in the 1880s and, more than 100 years later, his fans are as dedicated as ever. When exploring the Holmesian fandom online, it’s clear that the community is as diverse as it is creative. And you can’t get very far without noticing one group in particular: The Baker Street Babes.

This group of young fans hosts the Web’s only all-female Sherlock Holmes podcast, covering everything from the classic novels to the latest Holmes incarnations in TV and film. There are currently 11 Babes, representing a range of professions that includes authors and professors. Originally, however, there were only seven women in the group. It all started with a Twitter list created by the group’s founder, Kristina Manente.

“I’ve always loved podcasts and had a radio show while I was in undergrad. I was itching to do something again and it just so happened that I had amassed a group of friends who all liked the same thing: Sherlock Holmes,” Manente told the Daily Dot.

She organized her friends into a Twitter list, pitched them her idea for a podcast, and suddenly the game was afoot.


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