I Choose You… Detective Pikachu
It’s a mystery only Pikachu can solve!
The trailer for the new Pokemon movie just released, and it has a very distinctive hat involved. A deerstalker that is. A deerstalker wearing Pikachu.
Voice by Ryan Reynolds, this mystery solving Pikachu can actually be understood by Tim, played by Justice Smith. Together, they join forces to figure out what happened to Tim’s father, who has mysteriously disappeared. As someone who grew up in the Pokemon age, this is a collision of a lot of things I am nostalgic about and love. As hilariously bizarre as it all seems, I’m on board!
Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think. “POKÉMON Detective Pikachu” is set for release on Friday, May 10, 2019.

Kristina Manente is the founder of The Baker Street Babes, as well as a podcaster, reporter, event coordinator, and PR guru for the Babes. Beyond Holmes, she’s a gamer, a traveler, a freelance writer, an audio engineer, and a Van Winkle style napper. She currently works professionally in podcasting and radio.
You can view her writing and audio work at kristinamanente.me and read her latest publications at www.clippings.me/kmanente. Feel free to stalk her on twitter at @CurlyFourEyes.
My daughter the Go fan just showed me the trailer. It looks like I’ll have to take her to the theater. Ryan’s voice is so distinctive that he was recognizable, the jokes are funny, and, rare in this age, no reliance on crude humor.