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Live & Local 1: Les Klinger & Laurie R King

Welcome once again to Baker Street Babes Live and Local, this time coming to you from Bouchercon 2014 in Long Beach, California!

You’re heard the story: Laurie King and Leslie Klinger wanted to create another Sherlockian short story collection featuring some of the most popular fiction writers anywhere: and the Arthur Conan Doyle Estate demanded their pound of flesh. The #FreeSherlock movement was born, Sherlock Holmes was freed at last, and now, after countless trials (literally) you can finally purchase In the Company of Sherlock Holmes, a wonderful group of stories riffing off the life of the Great Detective and—occasionally—even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

In this episode, Baker Street Babe Lyndsay chats with Les and Laurie about their initial hankering for a pastiche collection, their copyright travails, their editorial process, the stories in the collection, their working relationship, and just how much crap is written about Sherlock Holmes all over the world.

Listen here, and please do enjoy!


Laurie R. King, meanwhile, is gearing up to release Dreaming Spies on February 17th, the latest in her beloved Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes series of suspense novels.

Leslie S. Klinger is likewise very busy, promoting his scholarly works The Annotated Sandman Volume 3, as well as The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft.

Meanwhile, please do pick up a copy of In the Company of Sherlock Holmes,as it is a lovely addition to any Sherlockian collection!

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