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Live & Local 2: Jeremy Strong

Welcome to Baker Street Babes Live and Local, coming to you from the University of West London!

Most Sherlockians have picked up a pastiche or read some fanfic, but the long shadow of Sherlock Holmes reaches so much further than stories that feature him. The relationship of Holmes and Watson, and the many adventures that Conan Doyle wrote for them, continue to be a key influence on non-Sherlockian fiction as well. Professor Jeremy Strong’s novel Mean Business is a product of that influence, as well as the influence of many other films and favorite works of literature. The ripping Victorian adventure is well-worth the read in its own right, but fans of Sherlock Holmes will find an extra layer of pleasure in spotting the imprint of the Great Detective and the Good Doctor on its pages.

In this episode, Baker Street Babe Ashley chats with the delightful and ever-engaging Jeremy about Mean Business, the process of writing a novel, and just how Sherlock Holmes manages to sneak into a book that he isn’t meant to be in.

Mean BusinessListen here, and enjoy!

Jeremy Strong is Professor of Literature and Film at the University of West London. He holds degrees from Exeter, New York, and Stirling and has worked in the University sector throughout his career. Chair of the Association of Adaptation Studies, he is widely published on Film, Literature and Cultural Studies. He lives in rural Essex with his wife and daughter.

Visit his personal website here and see his professional profile here.

Download an e-book copy of Mean Business for a staggeringly low price at Amazon. Seriously, you can read this book for the price of a grande caramel macchiato. It’s longer-lasting, much tastier, and will give you so many more feelings. Do it now.

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