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Episode 86: The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium

Curly sits down with long-time friend of The Babes, Elinor Gray, about her new Sherlockian conference in Oregon. The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium is an inclusive gathering of scholarship, camaraderie, and adoration of Holmes and his world. It’s not to be missed.

The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium was created in the vacuum of Sherlock Seattle, and molded in the image of Scintillation of Scions221B Con, and other Sherlockian events around the United States. LCSS is a fun and educational weekend of talks, socializing, and friendship in the Pacific Northwest. Join us October 12th & 13th, 2019, for this special left coast event!



Also mentioned: The John H. Watson Society

Founded April 11, 2013, during a time of burgeoning momentum in “Things Doyle,” the John H. Watson Society seeks a level of equality in scholarship and enthusiasm for the life and work of John H Watson, M. D. We are an open and inclusive Society, seeking the collegiality and conviviality of Members worldwide and at all stages of involvement in Watsonian, Sherlockian and Holmesian interests. Really, we are about having fun.

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