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Praise For The One Fixed Point Essay Collection

The One Fixed Point Cover

“The editors—all members of the podcast collective the Baker Street Babes—challenged their Internet followers to submit papers for this work. What might have led to an uneven collection has, instead, resulted in a delightful work of impressive insight. The 25 contributors—all but one by women—who come from ten countries, examine, unsurprisingly, Sherlock, Elementary, and the recent movies. There are also more than a few pieces on the Canon. Among the highlights: Kyrie Culp writes about Holmes’s enduring appeal; Henrike Heyn considers the various ways Holmes’s character is presented; Lorrie Kim gives a queer view of Sherlock. This is a smart book that allays any fears that “new” Sherlockians can play the game.”
—Steven Rothman
Editor of The Baker Street Journal 


“With The One Fixed Point, the solemn academical Game enters a new millennium. Factoids previously unknown are continually coming to light, and the new generation of enthusiasts (many of whom are young or female or both) bring attitudes and backgrounds of the Internet age. These neo-Gamesters embrace modern-day revelations of a Sherlock Holmes who walks through a world that even Conan Doyle could never imagine.”
—Laurie R. King

One Fixed Point in a Changing Age: A New Generation on Sherlock Holmes is a resounding refutation of the often-seen lament that a younger generation of Sherlockians has nothing to offer the Sherlockian world beyond youth and enthusiasm; edited by Kristina Manente, Maria Heischhack, Sarah Roy, and Taylor Blumbenberg, and with an apt introduction by Laurie R. King, the essays collected in the book offer insightful scholarship into the Canon as well as its modern manifestations. It also is interesting to see how many of the sources cited are from Internet archives, blogs, and YouTube; “the times they are a-changin'” for scholars, too.”
—Peter Blau
Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press


You can purchase The One Fixed Point in a Changing Age: A New Geneeration on Sherlock Holmes online at Wessex Press. If you’ve reviewed it, please send us a link!

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