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GoPop and Our Commentary Reviewed!

Sora, who you may know as our graphic designer, has taken the time to review the GoPop app featuring our commentary on Sherlock Series 1. She wasn’t involved in the making of the tracks or anything, so this was a fully new experience for her. If you’re been unsure of whether to grab the app, if you have an Apple product, why don’t you give this a read? It’s a great look into how the app functions and a sneak peek at some of our witticisms!

Review is below!

One of my favorite things about the Sherlock fandom is the sense of community that spans multiple countries. There are a lot of us out there, and for better or for worse we’ve all got something to say, especially when it’s concerning one of the fandom’s favorite adaptations of the great detective: BBC Sherlock.

I decided to give GoPop’s App a try today and this was my experience with it.

This is how it works: The App plays a stream of commentaries in sync with what ever episode you’re watching. The comments for Sherlock were done by the one and only Baker Street Babes, which are most well known for their insightful, all female podcast, which covers everything from the ACD canon to the BCC.

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