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Sherlock Review: The Lying Detective

  (WARNING: THE FOLLOWING REVIEW CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE LYING DETECTIVE) Listen to our podcast reaction below or HERE: Following on last week’s “The Six Thatchers,” I was... More »

Sherlock Review: The Six Thatchers

WARNING: THE FOLLOWING REVIEW CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR “THE SIX THATCHERS.” You can listen to our podcast reaction episode below. One year from “The Abominable Bride.” Nearly three from... More »

Book Review: A Study in Charlotte

A Study in Charlotte By Brittany Cavallaro Like so many novels before it, A Study in Charlotte finds boarding schools fertile settings for the mysteries of life, limb, and, quite... More »

Review: Houdini and Doyle

Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle knew each other, and they had a conflict regarding the validity of spiritualism. Houdini and Doyle, the new ITV-produced miniseries, has this... More »

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