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Sherlock Holmes Fan Survey – please contribute!

Hello followers/readers of this website,

Ardy here! My first post under my lovely new login on this page.

I am currently running a survey on Sherlock Holmes fans with the aim of publishing the results as an article in a Sherlockian journal.

It is intended for anyone who considers themselves a fan of Sherlock Holmes. I am trying to capture the experiences, activities, and opinions on relevant issues of this diverse community. The landscape of Sherlockian fandom has been changing a lot in recent years and my aim is to produce a snapshot of what is happening at this moment in time.

I have had a great response so far (about 200 answers over the past three days, from a very wide range of participants) and I hope this continues. I really appreciate everyone’s contributions! Like the man said, “Data, data, data, I cannot make bricks without clay,” so go have a look and fill it out and/or pass the link on to anyone you think might be interested. Especially people who see themselves as fans but not part of fandom, as those voices are currently under-represented (and probably hard to get hold of) – but everyone’s invited.

It’s a qualitative survey rather than a box-ticking survey, so how long it takes depends a bit on how much you want to write/have to say for each question. 15 minutes is probably a reasonable time to set aside for it.

The survey is here: It will be open until January 31, 2015, so make sure you get your response in as soon as you can. There’s a little blurb on the first page that explains a bit more what it’s all about, and ways you can contact me if you still have questions. There’ also a bit at the end where you can leave your email address if you’d like an update on my progress.

So, without further ado: the game is afoot, follow your spirit and fill out the survey!

One Response to “Sherlock Holmes Fan Survey – please contribute!”

  1. Fox Buck says:

    I took a survey like this on the BBC Sherlock UK Forum. If this a double post just ignore it.

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