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Want to be a SherlockeDCC Sponsor?

We are currently seeking sponsors for our official 2014 San Diego Comic Con party: SherlockeDCC! If our event last year is any indication, this party is going to be big! Need a reminder of just how awesome last year was? Well, read this.

SherlockeDCCWhy should you sponsor SherlockeDCC?

1. The event is already SOLD OUT. That’s right. 500 tickets sold. Ladies be kicking ass.

2. Our attendees tweet, instagram and Tumblr with the best of them. They are social savvy and helped us create one of the most buzzed about events at San Diego Comic Con in 2013.

3. Our new location is in a PRIMO spot at the new San Diego Public Library right across the street from the convention center.

4. Because, hello, big guest stars come to our parties!

5. Because we’ll love you with an internet fervor you would not believe.

What do you get for sponsoring SherlockeDCC?

  • Inclusion in all our printed materials
  • One table in the space with a banner
  • Prizing arrangements (we are happy to work with you to design how to give out prizing!)
  • Social media and blog postings on all the host’s online accounts (together, we have over 100,000 readers, 45,000 subscribers and 40,000 Twitter Followers)
  • 3 free event tickets for your team

Do you want to be part of our amazing event? We have sponsorship packages that start as low as $500, so reach out to and let’s talk.


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