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Interview by Being Geek Chic – Lady Geeks of the Week: The Baker Street Babes, Part 2

Part two of our interview with Being Geek Chic! These were really fun to do!


As promised, The Baker Street Babes, Part 2 are our Lady Geeks of the Week! Last week, we interviewed Amy, Ardy, and Lyndsay. This week, we present Maria, Taylor, and Kristina.

The Babes are a group of Sherlock Holmes fans who produce a (witty, charming, and highly successful) podcast in which they discuss “everything from canon to Cumberbatch, Charles Augustus Milverton to Jude Law, and dancing men to Jeremy Brett.”

Follow the Babes on Twitter @BakerStBabes.

Q: What has led you to your passion?

Maria: Concerning Sherlock Holmes: A general interest in Sherlock Holmes from my childhood on; but I only grew really passionate about it when I started looking into it during my British Studies classes at Uni where I went to several Doyle and Sherlock Holmes centered seminars. BBC’s Sherlock just rekindled that interest and turned it into something amazing. Concerning my passion in general, which is literature: Some of my oldest memories are of my parents of friends reading books to me. I started reading fairly soon, even though I am slightly dyslexic (which made writing essays and dictations in school extremely hard); I read fantastic fiction throughout my teenage years, but when I started University, I just fell head over heels for English Literature, mostly thanks to my extremely wonderful teachers (now colleagues). I just loved reading literature, talking about it, writing about it; and eventually I found that I’m pretty good at teaching it, too, so this is why I am now doing my doctoral thesis in EngLit and hope to stay at Uni and teach.

Taylor: I have a complete inability to simply like something. I have to become totally obsessed with things I enjoy. I like to immerse myself in things fully and always have. I became obsessed with The Lion King when I was in 5th grade and my room totally reflected. Lion King sheets, curtains, and even a laundry hamper. Now my room is like a shrine to all things British. My obsessions transfer into all forms of media too. Of my two favorite bands I have seen one live 50 times and the other, I lost count, but I think I’m somewhere in the 70’s now. No.

Kristina: Spontaneity. I’ve always been a geek, but about very different things. It changes ever so often and it’s mostly because I take a right instead of a left. It’s never planned. I got into the Holmesian world because I decided to see a play, met a Sherlock fan in line, and voila here I am. I’ve never been afraid of just taking the next step, okay, scratch that, I’ve been terrified, but I’ve never backed down. Passion is terrifying. Absolutely horribly terrifying, but that’s what makes it worth it in the end. I suppose I’ve always been very well mentored by so many amazing teachers, professors, and friends who have helped me along and pushed me when I needed to be pushed. While I haven’t always succeeded, I’d like to think I’m made them proud. That’s very important to me. I don’t really do things for myself, I’m always thinking of someone else.


Read the rest at Being Geek Chic!

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