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Presenting The Official Poster (& Tickets) For Our Charity Ball


Presenting our gorgeous poster by Elizabeth Lord.

You can purchase tickets to the 2016 Daintiest Thing In A Dressing Gown Pyjama Party at

Wait, pyjama party?!

Yes, that’s right! Come in your finest dressing gowns, onesies, negligees, and fluffy bunny slippers.  Open to all Sherlockians and their friends. There will be a buffet dinner, cash bar, live music, prizes, toasts, and entertainment.

Now, as I’m sure you know by now, 100% of proceeds from the Ball go to benefit wounded veterans.

We are requesting if any of you fine citizens of the internet are inclined to clean out any Sherlockian-oriented closets or donate original pieces of art and crafts, we would be thrilled and honored to accept donations to our live and silent auctions.  Shipping becomes very difficult during the holiday season.  So if anyone has an item to contribute or a suggestion to make, we’re all ears, and will promptly give you our mailing address or collect the object at a Sherlockian event in the NYC area.

Please email us at with any offers of items, art, or crafts with a Sherlockian theme. If they have to do with William Gillette, even better!

With much love,
The Baker Street Babes

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  1. […] BSB’s Daintiest Thing In A Dressing Gown Pyjama Party […]

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