Want to Write for Us? We’re Seeking Guest Posts!
Greetings, internet! Here at the Baker Street Babes, we post all sorts of content.
We do podcasts and essays and fun things like how to bake Sherlock Holmes cookies and book reviews and tea set reviews because hey it was used in BBC’s Sherlock. Awesome. We’ve had a small handful of guest posts in the past, mainly from authors, but we wanted to open up submissions because we want to give everyone a platform to write about Sherlockiana.
You don’t have to be a scholar or have already published something. Then again, you could be! Or you could simply just be someone who has very strong feelings about Hayao Miyazaki’s go at Sherlock Holmes or desperately want to showcase your epic BBC Sherlock meta. Anything is okay! Here at The Baker Street Babes we have a saying: “All Holmes is Good Holmes.”
That being said, there are, of course, a few rules/stipulations/guide lines.
- You may pitch an article idea to us or submit an already written article. Submit ONLY to Curly @ bakerstreetbabes . com
- All guest posts must be edited for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. We will not accept pieces in need of major editing. Minor editing is fine.
- Guest posts cannot contain outbound commercial links without discussing with us first. We are not a link building service. If you wish to include a commercial outbound link, a fee will apply.
- Guest posts must be accompanied by a short bio of the author and may contain one personal link to the authors social media or website.
- You may include a photograph if you so choose, but it is not required.
- Images are allowed to be included in your article, but you must have permission to use them and must include credit information.
- Submit all pieces as Google Drive or Dropbox links, not as attachments.
- All articles must, of course, be related to Sherlock Holmes in some way.
- Submissions may be accepted or rejected at the discretion of the BSB.
- While submissions can be opinionated, we’re not looking for articles that degrade, insult, or belittle any fandom, sect of the fandom, group of people, show, etc. If you want to squee about the last season of CBS Elementary for a few thousand well-written words, that is excellent! If you want to trash anything other than Rupert Everett’s eyebrows, then we’re not interested.
- POC, LGBT, women, and non-binary voices are strongly encouraged to submit. We want to showcase diverse writers and their thoughts.
It should be noted that, unfortunately, we cannot offer payment for posts at this time. Trust me, we wish we could. The BSB, however, does not turn a profit. None of us have made a single dime doing what we do. Everything we earn and raise goes straight back into producing events, to charity (in terms of our annual BSI Weekend ball), or to the production of the site and podcast itself (hosting, bandwidth, domains, equipment, etc). That’s not to say we won’t be able to pay in the future, but at this moment we are unable to pay for submissions.
What we can offer is an audience of over 100,000 across social media, a link to your personal website/social media from our site that has a DA of 42 (if you’re into SEO), and our love and admiration. We’ll also send you a card, like a real card, in the mail. Doesn’t matter where you live. We’ll send you a card. It’ll be a nice card. Very pretty.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kristina at Curly @ bakerstreetbabes . com, this is her project.
Looking forward to reading your articles!

Kristina Manente is the founder of The Baker Street Babes, as well as a podcaster, reporter, event coordinator, and PR guru for the Babes. Beyond Holmes, she’s a gamer, a traveler, a freelance writer, an audio engineer, and a Van Winkle style napper. She currently works professionally in podcasting and radio.
You can view her writing and audio work at kristinamanente.me and read her latest publications at www.clippings.me/kmanente. Feel free to stalk her on twitter at @CurlyFourEyes.
First, I must say that I have no problem with Rupert Everett’s eyebrows.
I would love to write something for the Babes. The pitfalls of writing Canonical Sherlockian pastiches has been on my mind lately, having recently being asked to review a particularly execrable example (I had to bow out after crawling through two painful chapters, red pen clutched in shuddering fist). The contrast with Lindsay Faye’s superb “The Whole Art of Detection”, which I am now re-reading, could not have been more drastic. The framework I’m considering is that of classical consumer marketing (bear with me here) by answering key questions such as: what is the essence of the brand (i.e., classic Sherlock)? Who is the target audience? What are the non-negotiable elements? What will delight them? How can I surprise them? What is my unique proposition that sets me/my work apart and ensures return readers and recommendations?
Canonically yours,
Lauren Cercone
The Transfixed Correspondence of Phoenix