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The 221B Library: BBC Sherlock’s Books & Magazines

The amount of detail that members of the Sherlock fandom go into to uncover clues, decipher scenes, and explore the intricacies of the characters never fails to astound me.

Tumblr user mid0nz has done her detective work, along with the help of some sprightly volunteers, and made a list of all the books and magazine’s in 221B (BBC Sherlock verse). Not only is there a key for which episodes the various tomes and weeklies appear in, but there’s links to where you can get these items. Better yet, it’s a constantly updated list as more are discovered, and midonz encourages other users to help her keep it accurate and more complete.

There are only a few items that have had any major screen time, and major meaning a few seconds at best, so the fact this list is so long is astonishing and I have major respect for those who can stare at screencaps that long. I would never have the patience for it, but I’m glad it’s been done. Set dressing has to be one of the most fun jobs in the world. While the BBC is notorious for reusing props and there’s bound to be some throwaway items like Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchy, which midonz amusingly suggests is actually Mrs. Hudson’s, it seems that the vast majority of the items in the library at 221B are very carefully chosen. There’s quite a collection of books on various drugs, which will not only appeal to Sherlock on a scientific level, but one can only assume it is in relation to his junkie past (especially since Drug Addiction and its Treatment by Michael Gossop is in there too). Likewise there’s lots of war books, obviously John’s. And then there’s some light reading… Jane Eyre (which is a little surprising).

Midonz even goes further and lists the books found in other episodes that aren’t necessarily at 221B. It’s a fun list and once I’ve enjoyed looking through. You can look through it all right [HERE].


Kristina Manente is the founder of The Baker Street Babes. Want to get in touch? Email her at

I found this shindig after I realized I enjoyed chatting about Sherlock Holmes with people I liked. So other than doing the podcast, I’m an ardent traveller and have been to twenty-eight countries and have no plans to stop.  I’m a vegan, a hipster,  an author, a dreamer, and have crazy curly ginger hair.  You can find out all you’d like to know about me at my website or follow me on twitter @CurlyFourEyes.

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