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The Babes at 221B Con! Where to find us + live podcast info!

221B Con


We are absolutely delighted to announce the Baker Street Babes’ 221B Con schedule of appearances and podcast topic!

Sunday at 10:00 am is our live podcast! The topic at hand will be:

Ashley Polasek and Sherlockian Film Since 1900

AshleyAshley Polasek is an “Aca-Sherlockian,” happily living at the crossroads of academia, traditional Sherlockiana, and contemporary fandom. She has spoken about Sherlock Holmes at academic conferences across the US, UK, and continental Europe, and she will graduate with her PhD on adaptations of Sherlock Holmes in July of 2014.

She has been published in the Baker Street Journal, and was a speaker at the “Behind the Canonical Screen” conference in Los Angeles in 2012; she will co-edit (with Lyndsay Faye) the conference’s companion volume for the BSI Press. Ashley has been previously interviewed on CNN International and CBS Sunday Morning, and she can be found on Twitter @SherlockPhD.

We can’t wait for the interview and hope you’ll join us!

Hope very much to see you, and if you can’t make the podcast, below find our panels!  And if you can’t make a panel, please stop by our table to check out our brand spanking new swag for sale!

Here is a complete (barring last-minute additions) list of the Baker Street Babes’ 221B Con panels, in alphabetical order of BABE:

AMY: Live Podcast, Canon 101, AU and Crossovers From House to Psyche, Hey, Jude, Young Sherlock Holmes

LYNDSAY: Live Podcast, Paget, Steele, and Gibson: Illustrators of an Era, The Gods of Gotham Book Club, Victorian Crime, How to Podcast, Baker Street to the Holodeck

SARAH: Live Podcast, Canon 101, The Hobbit, Cabin Pressure

TAYLOR: Live Podcast, Cabin Pressure


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