Call for Submissions! (call closed)
Edit 12.08.2016
Please note that all the ladies have been claimed. Thank you so much for being in touch and we look forward to reading the new contributions.
Two years ago, we started writing essays on canonical and non-canonical ladies in the Sherlock Holmes universe(s):
Femme Friday is a way for us all to shout out to the brilliant ladies of every Sherlock Holmes ‘verse.
Femme Friday is a lark via which we announce a particular female character and then queue 100% positive content about her.
Femme Friday is a celebration of the fact that we BSB are ladies and that we are proud of ourselves and care about how we’re portrayed in media.
Femme Friday is a way for us to better appreciate Sherlock Holmes and John Watson by studying the women in their lives.
Since then, we have covered quite a few of the women in the Canon and in adaptations, and we plan to publish these essays in book form. However, we are still missing a few kick-ass ladies, which is why we need you!
We are looking for guest contributors for the following female characters:
*Mrs. Ferguson (The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire)
*Annie Harrison (The Adventure of the Naval Treaty)
*Isadora Klein (The Adventure of the Three Gables)
*Mrs. Ronder (The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger)
*Lady Frances Carfax (The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax)
*Elsie Cubitt (The Adventure of the Dancing Men)
*Kate Whitney (The Man with the Twisted Lip, Sherlock, HLV)
*Anna Coram (The Golden Pince-Nez)
Write in your own personal style, but please stay on-topic and positive. This is about celebrating these women, and your essay should focus on that. Contributions should be between 700 and 1000 words.
If you include illustrations, make sure they are in the public domain and at least 300 dpi.
Please email us at if you want to contribute so we can mark the ladies that are being written about.
The deadline for the contributions is Monday, September 12.
* marked names have been claimed.

Maria teaches English Literature at Leipzig University, Germany, published a German introduction to Sherlock Holmes and is a fan of all things Holmes – but especially of the Canon stories and Sherlock BBC. Contact her at @stuffasdreams